Why we need a Code of Conduct Establishing behavioral expectations is important for any community, and especially in the workplace where the success of our company depends on the performance of each associate. Knowing what’s acceptable behavior and what is not creates a clear picture of how we ought to conduct ourselves in order to be successful. It also creates a sense of value: for ourselves, our co-workers and our company. This Code of Conduct is meant to help establish that value in every associate and help them understand that the work they do has intrinsic worth that transcends jobs, markets and Xcalable itself. Who does it apply to?


We say what we do and we do what we say. We are responsible for our individual and team actions, meeting our customer and financial commitments, and recognizing our social, community and environmental responsibilities.


Embracing change and making difficult decisions delivers better results to our customers, suppliers and fellow associates. We are not afraid of experimenting or doing what we know is right.


Our people and their diverse talents define us. We are committed to learning, collaboration, transparency and innovation. Attracting, inspiring, retaining and celebrating our best individuals is the foundation of our success.


Creativity, agility and resourcefulness reinforce a competitive, entrepreneurial spirit. There is no substitute for forward-looking actions and the desire to achieve more.


We exemplify the highest ethical standards, led by honesty, fairness and dignity in every action we take, everywhere, every time, with everyone.


Delivering successful outcomes and a superior experience for everyone, every time, matters for our business partners, ourselves and our teams.

The goal of this Code of Conduct and related policies is to provide guidance so that each of us acts ethically and fairly. To do that, we ask that you both adhere to the Code and report any legal or ethical missteps you witness. We understand that reporting issues might sometimes be uncomfortable, but it’s the right thing to do. Hiding problems won’t help anyone but will actually make things worse. You shouldn’t be afraid of speaking out either. It is what Xcalable expects from you! It’s called the “Sunshine Rule,” because it sheds light on potential violations in order to correct them.Xcalable  also has a zerotolerance policy for retaliation, so rest assured, you will not be punished for voicing concerns in good faith. If you have questions or doubts about the Code of Conduct or any Xcalable policy, speak with your leader, a Human Resources associate or our Legal department. If you aren’t comfortable doing that, you can always contact the Xcalable  Hotline. Remember that ignorance is not an excuse for violating the Code or company policy, and no one has the authority to force you to violate them either.