Red Hat EX436


SKU: EX436 Category: Tag:


Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management Expertise Exam – 8 Hour AVAILABILITY CLUSTERING EXAM

The Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management Exam is a performance-based test of the skills covered in RH436 Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage. In order to enroll in this exam, one must have an RHCE on a current release at the time of the exam. Upon passing the exam, one will have earned this additional Certificate of Expertise to one’s RHCE certification.

Product Type:Technology Training
Training Type:Course
Manufacturer Part Number:EX436
Manufacturer Website Address:
Manufacturer:Red Hat
Additional Information:

  • Upper-Level Courses

Counts towards RHCA certification:
This Certificate of Expertise is one of five required to earn the designation Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA). Each course in the RHCA curriculum is followed by an expertise exam on the fifth day. expertise exams may be taken immediately following the corresponding course
or at any time. The exams are performance-based and test skills of the job role competencies covered in the prior four days of hands-on training. Passing the Expertise Exam earns the candidate an Certificate of Expertise to his or her RHCE credential for that specific enterprise skillset.

Maximum Course Duration:8 Hour
Target Audience:

Only RHCEs on a current release may take this exam. All candidates are strongly advised to take RH436 Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management in advance of attempting this exam.